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Always Rocking: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha series Book 4) Page 8

  The blonde threw me a seductive look over her shoulder as she lowered her ass onto my lap, my eyes were glued to her backside as she gyrated her hips, slowing lowering herself onto me. There was no stirring in my pants, not even a twitch of life.

  I gripped the edges of my seat with both hands as the blonde continued to thrust and rock on my cock, dry humping me as though the world were about to end and my cock would be the last she would ever ride. I could do nothing but let her finish her dance. As beautiful as she was, she just wasn’t doing it for me. I lamented the thought.

  Finally, the music came to an end and the blonde removed herself from my lap. Reaching over me she plucked her forgotten top off my chest and slipped it back on. “That will be fifty.” She said flatly, clearly unimpressed with my lack of enthusiasm. I couldn’t blame her. I was equally confused about the matter.

  I fished in my pocket pulling out a few bills and handing them to her, knowing it was well more than enough to cover the dance and a tip but didn’t care. The blonde snatched them out of my hand, not once glancing down to see how much I had given her. With a huff, she turned and walked away, her eyes already set on her next target.

  “That one there is a real charmer.” I looked up, my eyes catching the deep brown eyes of the waitress. She gave me a satisfied smirk and set the whiskey I had ordered down on the table. I felt my cock spring to life, revived at the sight of the waitress.

  Unable to form words I just sat there staring at her in amazement. She gave me a confused look and spun away to check on her other customers. Looking around I noticed that the club was packed. Men sat in clusters around the many stages, their eyes bulging out of their heads, tongues hanging out of their mouths as they salivated over the women gracing the stage.

  The men sat mystified as the women performed their seductive acrobatics on the poles. Any other time I would have been right there with those men, a mindless body begging to have tits rubbed in my face. Instead, I was left salivating over the waitress who was clearly anything but interested in me.

  I leaned back in my chair, snatching my drink off the table. My head was a mangled mess as I tried to figure out what had just happened. I had a gorgeous blonde bouncing on my cock and I could do nothing but sit there. The waitress pops her pretty little head in, BAM, instant hard on.

  I threw back my drink, downing the contents, slamming my empty glass down on the table. I knew an empty glass would bring the waitress back by. The whiskey burned as it went down, warming my insides. As if on cue, the brunette sauntered up and plucked my glass from the table.

  She raised her brow in question, tipping the glass in my direction, silently asking if I wanted a refill. I gave her a nod of the head. “What’s your name?” I asked over the music.

  She gave me a curious look as though contemplating whether or not she should answer. “Bambi,” She finally said after leaving me hanging on the edge of my seat for what felt like an eternity, but was realistically more like thirty seconds. My face scrunched up in surprise and disbelief, not expecting her to have used such a generic stripper name. She huffed at my response and sashayed away, back to the bar.

  The night progressed as such. Bambi would collect my empty glass, answer one of my questions, and tease me with the sway of her hips as she left to get my refill.

  “Why do you keep asking me such insane questions?” She asked as she sat my glass down on the table. I cocked my head to the side and took her in. she stood there proudly, her hand on her hip as she demanded answers from me.

  “I’m trying to get to know you.” I smiled up at her, giving her one of my signature panty melting smiles.

  “By asking me how to handcuff a one-armed man? Do Siamese twins pay for one ticket or two at a movie or concert? Can you daydream at night? And my personal favorite, do Jewish vampires still avoid crosses?” She reached back and rubbed the back of her neck as though she were still contemplating the questions I had asked.

  “What’s wrong with my questions?” I inquired feigning offense.

  “You’re weird.” She sighed exasperatedly rolling her eyes. I smirked as I watched her walk away to retrieve another drink for me. The extra sway in her hips caused my cock to twitch happily. I knew I was getting to her, breaking down her walls little by little with each trip to my table.

  I had no clue what I was doing flirting with this woman. She never once gave even the slightest hint that she was interested, but that didn’t stop me from trying. I continued to slug down my drinks forcing her to trot her sexy self over to my table and refill my drink. I almost felt ashamed for making her work so hard, almost.

  I could feel the effects of the alcohol as I struggled to remain upright in my seat. I was already several drinks past my limit. I knew a handful of drinks ago that driving home was no longer an option. I only hoped Ivan had been pacing himself tonight, wherever he was on the other side of the bar.

  A vibration in my pocket had me fumbling with my phone. Through blurry eyes I squinted, trying to concentrate on the text that scrolled across the screen.

  “Your wife looking for you?” Bambi asked smugly as she set a glass of ice water down in front of me.

  “I’m not married,” I said shooting her a lazy wink. “Water?” I asked confused tipping my head toward the glass in question.

  “You need it. No arguing. Drink up.” She commanded while scrunching up her nose adorably, her teeth sinking into her pillowy bottom lip as she smiled down at me.

  I wrapped my hand around the tall cool glass and tipped it to my lips, my eyes never leaving hers. I downed the contents. A moan escaped my lips as the cool water slid down my parched throat. I hadn’t realized how dehydrated I had been. I was not much of a drinker but lately, I seemed to find myself drinking entirely too much.

  I placed the empty glass on the table and smiled. “Now that I’ve been a good boy do I get a treat?”

  I watched as the tip of her tongue swiped across her full lips slowly as she thought. The whole night she had my cock straining to break free. Watching her tongue run across her lips had me nearly bursting in my jeans.

  Bambi bent down in front of me, the tops of her breasts spilling out of her shirt, she leaned in pressing her lips to my ear. “I just might let you drive me home.” She whispered in my ear. I could feel the precum against my thigh as her lips brushed against my ear as she spoke.

  Bambi stood and walked away leaving me staring after her, my jaw on the floor. I wanted to fist bump the air but thought better of it. Instead, I whipped out my phone and immediately text Ivan letting him know he needed to find another ride home.

  I received an instant reply back that left me groaning in defeat. Ivan had already driven back to the house, leaving me on my own to get home.

  I couldn’t believe that fucker left me. Then I remembered who this was. Ivan would leave his own mother if it meant he was going to get his dick wet. I contemplated calling Tosha to have him bring me my truck but dismissed the idea. The less anyone knew about what I was dong tonight the better and I was in no shape to drive.

  A small soft hand landed on my shoulder. “You ready?” Bambi asked concern etching her face. She had changed into a pair of skin-tight jeans, sneakers, and a small t-shirt that barely reached the top of her jeans, exposing a sliver of mid-drift, a small bag was draped over her shoulder.

  I stood up and immediately regretted it. The room began to spin as my body swayed. An arm was wrapped around my waist gripping me firmly, holding me up, and stabilizing me on my feet.

  “Come on killer, let’s get you in bed,” Bambi said as she led me out of the club.

  I had no idea how her tiny frame was able to support my weight and hold me up on my feet. The top of her head hit me just below the sternum. I hadn’t realized how tiny and petite she was when I had been sitting down. Now that I was standing I realized how much I towered over her. She was a tiny thing but she was strong, I would give her that.

  “How tall are you?” I asked in amazement as she walked
us to the back of the parking lot.

  Bambi paused causing me to stumble forward, dragging her along with me; thankfully she was able to keep me from falling flat on my face. “I’m four-ten.” She smiled proudly. I couldn’t help but smile down at her.

  “Why the dopey look?” She asked her head slung back to look up at me.

  “You’re tiny.” I started to laugh. Bambi reared back and slugged me in the stomach. The force of the impact along with all of the booze I had consumed forcing me to my knees.

  “What the hell?” I gasped out gripping my stomach.

  “I’m not tiny, I’m fun sized.” She stood with her hands on her hips, a pinched expression on her face. I watched as she adjusted her stance, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Well Ms. Fun size, you pack one hell of a punch,” I grumbled as I struggled to stand.

  “Oh for Pete’s sake. Get up you big baby.” She seized my arm and began pulling me up, tugging me to my feet.

  Once I was standing I took advantage of her close proximity by pulling her in against my chest and leaning on her. She fit perfectly under my arm as though she belonged.

  “Where’s your car?” She asked her breathing slightly labored as her arm wrapped around my waist, closing the distance between us.

  “I got ditched. Did you drive?” I asked closing my eyes and sighing. I made a mental note to kick Ivan’s ass the next time I saw him.

  “Indeed I did. Though I’m not sure you’re going to like it.” I looked down at her, studying her as she tilted her head and nervously scratched at her neck.

  “You’re scaring me here.” Though I was only slightly kidding, my discomfort seemed to relax her enough to draw a genuine smile across her lips.

  “This way.” She began to lead me further back into the parking lot.

  “You taking me back here to kill me?” I teased as we walked further into the darkened lot.

  “You’re double my size, I’m sure you’ll have a fighting chance.” She teased back. I chuckled remembering her superhuman strength. I highly doubted I would stand a chance against her drunk or not.

  Near the end of the parking lot she stopped. Stepping away she gave me a wide nervous smile, flashing two rows of perfect white teeth.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” Still smiling brightly she tipped her head toward the hot pink Vespa behind her.

  “Oh no,” I waved my hands in front of me as I walked backward, away from Bambi and the Barbie-mobile.

  “Come on ya big pansy.” She whined bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet impatiently.

  “My parents already think I’m gay. I can’t ride that thing. It looks like something a child would ride.” I stumbled over some loose gravel, my arms flailed wildly as I struggled to maintain my balance. Unable to keep myself upright I landed squarely on my ass.

  I watched as Bambi dropped her bag by the Vespa and sauntered over to me. Her hips swayed like the pendulum of a clock, hypnotizing me. “Do I look like a child to you?” She asked, thrusting her breasts forward.

  My throat went dry as my mouth struggled to form words. She was a devil wrapped in an angel’s body. I wasn’t quite sure if she was going to take me to heaven or drag me straight through the pits of hell. God help me, I didn’t care which way we went.

  She leaned down, thrusting her breasts in my face, her hands cupping my cheeks. “I promise you, the things I’m going to do to you will ensure neither your parents nor anyone else will ever think you’re gay.”

  My cock jerked to life, begging to be released. Her taunting lips had my cock begging for release all night long until my balls felt like they were going to explode and now my cock demanded release. It demanded to be buried in Bambi’s tight pussy until the sun came up.

  Bambi’s lips brushed across mine in the barest of kisses. My hands wrapped around her waist, my fingers nearly touching, as I lifted her up and placed her in my lap. She giggled as I pressed my lips to hers, quickly changing her giggles into moans as my tongue thrust into her mouth and my hands roamed her body. I could feel the heat pooling at her center as she rocked her hips into me. My cock throbbed in response.

  “Fine, I’ll ride bitch on your Vespa.” I conceded against her lips.

  With a squeal, Bambi jumped off of me and began pulling me back to my feet. I stood, pulling her into my chest; I covered her mouth with mine. I needed the fortification of her lips before I mounted the bitch seat of her hot pink toy.

  Chapter 11

  Fuck me. My head was pounding. I cracked my eyes only to be blinded by bright lights streaming through the window. I slapped a hand over my face, shielding the light from my eyes. I was met with the feeling of cool metal resting just over my brow. In a panic, I jerked upright only to find I was pinned down by a warm body pressed to mine. I cracked my eyes open again slowly to find a halo of chestnut hair resting on my chest. How had I missed that I wondered? Through my partially open eyes, I looked at my left hand. Shining brightly in the sunlight sat a gold band, resting perfectly on my ring finger.

  I closed my eyes sinking back into the mattress and tried to recall the night. I remembered meeting Bambi at the strip club and riding bitch on her Vespa. Instead of going back to her place right away I recall convincing her to go out and have a drink with me at Nick’s. I remember thinking that if anyone was going to see me on a tampon with wheels then I was going to be damn sure they saw me with a woman.

  Nick’s was quiet and we had been able to really talk and get to know one another. I grimaced as I remembered spilling out the whole story about me being betrothed to Nina. Bambi listened intently as I told her how Nina had someone in her life but was afraid to tell anyone and call the marriage off.

  I explained to her that I needed to be married before the six months was up or I would have to marry Nina which would not only rip Nina from someone she loved but would also destroy any type of friendship we had forged since we began talking.

  Bambi had opened up to me as well. She told me how she was working at the Boobie Trap in order to afford to go to college. She came from little means and had been struggling to pay for classes at the local college, taking only one at a time as that was all she could afford. She also worked a second job as a waitress to help pay for her rent and other needs.

  The bed shifted beside me as Bambi snuggled further into me. Her soft moans caused my cock to twitch in response. “Morning.” She mumbled against my chest.

  I wrapped my arm around her, pinning her against me. I inhaled the coconut scent of her hair mixed with a clean crisp scent that was all her. “Morning,” I whispered against her head, gently placing a kiss to her crown.

  I lay there listening to her soft breaths, feeling the rise and fall of her chest against my own. I looked at the ring on my finger again then looked down to her hand splayed across my chest. On her ring finger sat a large round diamond nestled in a bed of smaller diamonds on a gold band.

  I should have been in a panic. I should have been freaking out, but I wasn’t. I knew that in the state of Tennessee we couldn’t have gotten married. The state requires a thirty-day premarital preparation course to be completed before they would even issue a license. We must have got the rings for a ruse.

  I chuckled lightly to myself, thinking of how silly we must have looked running around purchasing rings on a Vespa to fake a marriage just so I wouldn’t have to marry Nina.

  “Good morning husband.” Bambi sighed against my chest. I smiled down at her, giving her a gentle squeeze. “Good morning, wife.” I hummed happily.

  “What do you say we go down to the café for breakfast?” I asked rolling onto my side, pressing her tiny frame against the front of my chest.

  Bambi’s eyes were still closed as she smiled up at me. “Why don’t we just order room service?” She purred.

  I quirked a brow looking down at her. “Room service?” I asked in confusion.

  “Yeah, you know, it’s where you pick up the phone and say ‘Hello, I’d like two stacks
of pancakes, a plate of bacon, two garden omelets, and some fresh squeezed orange juice.” She softly chuckled, her dark brown eyes rose to meet mine as she spoke.

  My brows drew together as I studied her face. She had beautiful almond shaped eyes with lashes so long they touched the tops of her cheeks when she closed her eyes. Her pink lips were perfectly carved. The top lip was thinner with a perfect cupid’s bow that rested against her full lower lips. Her nose was small with sharp angles giving her the look of a pixie. She had a small scar on her right eyebrow where it looked like she had once had a piercing.

  “You’re beautiful.” I breathed out, taking in her beauty.

  A soft pink hue brushed along her cheeks at my compliment. “I’m also famished.” She said reminding me of the question that had been swimming in my head.

  “Where are we?” I asked, not remembering leaving Nick’s.

  “Vegas, baby.” She moaned as she rolled to her back, lifting her arms high above her head as she stretched out. The sheet that had been wrapped around us dropped lower as she arched her back exposing the tops of her breasts. For a minute I was frozen in place, all time seemed to freeze as flashes of last night danced through my head. The soft bouncing of her breasts as she rode my cock. Her back perfectly arched as she screamed out my name over and over as she came.

  The swell of her ass and the way my hands fit perfectly around her waist as I took her from behind, my thumbs resting perfectly in the dimples of her lower back as I thrust my cock in and out of her dripping wet pussy. The way her nails raked down my back as I held her ankles behind her ears, forcing her to take my cock deeper. I felt my cock rise beneath the sheet as the memory of her deep chocolate brown eyes looking up at me as she swallowed my cock between her beautiful lips.